Nederman FilterCarts are mobile filter units that can be used in light welding and extraction applications. These weld fume extraction units are easy to move around your workshop to wherever extraction is needed and are a great solution when welding takes place in multiple locations. Nederman extraction equipment are efficient and easy-to-use solutions which help to reduce the risk of your employees being exposed to dangerous airborne fumes and dust. Protecting your workers, your production and the environment.
There are three different types of FilterCarts available, each has features suited to different applications.
FilterCart Original - For light welding and extraction applications, this portable extraction unit can be used where no special requirements are needed.
FilterCart Carbon - This Nederman fume extractor is specially designed for extraction of odours, incorporating an active carbon filter.
FilterCart Advanced - This mobile filter unit gives a warning signal when the filter is full, satisfying the requirements of the COSHH WL3 guidelines on welding fume control published by the Health and Safety Executive in the UK.
With over 75 years of leading expertise within a wide span of industries, Nederman knows what it takes to make your business clean, safe and compliant. Nederman UK offers clean air solutions that meet high expectations and changing needs, helping you maximise production efficiency, improve work environments and reduce environmental impact.
Not sure which unit is best suited to your workshop? Give our team a call on 01455 616 444 today. We can work with you to find the right Nederman FilterCart to safely extract dust and fumes.
Portable welding fume extractor spares
To keep your portable fume extractor working at full capacity,you should replace the filter when necessary. Either original cartridge filters or Hepa filters are available for use with these units. Choose the one that best meets the needs of your workplace.
The extraction hoods on a FilterCart can be adapted to include an LED spotlight to provide better light conditions for better welding results. The FilterCart Original can be purchased with an LED spotlight installed or these lighting kits can be purchased separately.
Nederman spares and accessories are available to purchase via our website here.
Does my portable extraction unit need an LEV test?
The HSE say that the risks your workers face from hazardous substances including dust and fumes must be assessed and preventative measures must be provided, the most effective measure is Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV). As soon as LEV equipment is in place an LEV test must be carried out to ensure that the operator is competent in operating the equipment and that the equipment is functioning as expected.
Ducting Express have a skilled team of LEV Engineers that are P601 accredited & have specialist LEV testing equipment, knowledge, experience and skills to carry out a thorough examination and test of your new LEV equipment.
We offer a wide range of products and solutions for the extraction and filtration of dust and fumes. We are partners with industry leaders, enabling us to provide our customers with the best possible solutions for their workplace.
Contact us today on 01455 616 444 to discuss the LEV testing requirement of your portable welding fume extractor and get a quote.
Nederman FilterCart Advanced Mobile Welding Extraction Filter Unit 3 Meter Arm 240V - 12635845
Nederman FilterCart Advanced Mobile Welding Extraction Filter Unit 3 Meter Arm 110V - 12635945
Nederman Filter Cart Original Mobile Filter Unit 3 Meter Arm 230V Without Light - 12636145
Nederman Filter Cart Original Mobile Filter Unit 3 Meter Arm 110V Without Light - 12635545
Nederman FilterCart Carbon Mobile Welding Extraction Filter Unit 2 Meter Arm 240V - 12643245
Nederman FilterCart Carbon Mobile Welding Extraction Filter Unit 2 Meter Arm 110V - (12642245)
Nederman FilterCart Particle Filter For FilterCart Original & W3 - 12377253
Nederman FilterCart HEPA Filter H13 For FilterCart Original & W3 - 12374016
Nederman FilterCart Carbon Filter For FilterCart Carbon - 12374025